Is Bushido Still Alive?(3)(2/2)
《武士道》作者:(日)新渡户稻造 2017-04-14 12:42
process is most decidedly impossible in Japan—nay, it is a process which Jesus himself would never have adopted in founding his kingdom on earth.
It behooves us to take more to heart the following words of a saintly man, devout Christian and profound scholar:
“Men have divided the world into heathen and Christian, without considering how much good may have been hidden in the one, or how much evil may have been mingled with the other. They have compared the best part of themselves with the worst of their neighbors, the ideal of Christianity with the corruption of Greece or the East. They have not aimed at impartiality, but have been contented to accumulate all that could be said in praise of their own, and in dispraise of other forms of religion.”[6]
But, whatever may be the error committed by individuals, there is little doubt that the fundamental principle of the religion they profess is a power which we must take into account in reckoning the future of Bushido, whose days seem to be already numbered. Ominous signs are in the air,that betoken its future. Not only signs, but redoubtable forces are at work to threaten it.
[Footnote 1: The Psychology of Peoples, p. 33.]
[Footnote 2: Speer; Missions and Politics in Asia, Lecture IV, pp. 189-190; Dennis: Christian Missions and Social Progress, Vol. I, p. 32, Vol. II, p. 70, etc.]
[Footnote 3: The Far East, p. 375.]
[Footnote 4: Meredith Townsend, Asia and Europe, N.Y., 1900, 28.]
[Footnote 5: Among other works on the subject, read Eastlake and Yamada on _Heroic Japan_, and Diosy on The New Far East.]
[Footnote 6: Jowett, Sermons on Faith and Doctrine, II.]
It behooves us to take more to heart the following words of a saintly man, devout Christian and profound scholar:
“Men have divided the world into heathen and Christian, without considering how much good may have been hidden in the one, or how much evil may have been mingled with the other. They have compared the best part of themselves with the worst of their neighbors, the ideal of Christianity with the corruption of Greece or the East. They have not aimed at impartiality, but have been contented to accumulate all that could be said in praise of their own, and in dispraise of other forms of religion.”[6]
But, whatever may be the error committed by individuals, there is little doubt that the fundamental principle of the religion they profess is a power which we must take into account in reckoning the future of Bushido, whose days seem to be already numbered. Ominous signs are in the air,that betoken its future. Not only signs, but redoubtable forces are at work to threaten it.
[Footnote 1: The Psychology of Peoples, p. 33.]
[Footnote 2: Speer; Missions and Politics in Asia, Lecture IV, pp. 189-190; Dennis: Christian Missions and Social Progress, Vol. I, p. 32, Vol. II, p. 70, etc.]
[Footnote 3: The Far East, p. 375.]
[Footnote 4: Meredith Townsend, Asia and Europe, N.Y., 1900, 28.]
[Footnote 5: Among other works on the subject, read Eastlake and Yamada on _Heroic Japan_, and Diosy on The New Far East.]
[Footnote 6: Jowett, Sermons on Faith and Doctrine, II.]