《创新何来: 卓越领导者的横向思维技巧》作者:[美]保罗·斯隆 2017-02-09 12:43
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Ames, C (1990) Boardroom Reports (15 Feb), p 2
Bhide, A (1999) The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses, Oxford University Press, Oxford
Buzan, T (1993) The Mind Map Book, BBC Publications, London
Byrne, J, (2002) After Enron: the ideal corporation, Business Week (26 Aug), pp 32-35
Charan, R and Useem, J (2002) Why companies fail, Fortune (27 May), pp 36-44
Chisholm, Sir J (2002) Lecture at the IEE, London (Oct)
Clegg, B and Birch, P (1999) Instant Creativity, Kogan Page, London
Cooper, R (2002) Winning at New Products [Online] WWW. proddev. com (accessed October 2002)
Cooper, R and Edgett, S (2001) Optimizing the stage-gate process, Research Technology Management (Fall)
Covey, S (1989) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon and Schuster, New York
Cox, G (2001) Ready, Aim, Fire Problem-Solvingk
De Bono, E (1970) Lateral Thinking, Penguin, Harmondsworth
De Bono, E (1971) Lateral Thinking for Management, Penguin, Harmondsworth
De Bono, E (1985) Six Thinking Hats, Penguin, Harmondsworth
De Bono, E (1992) Surpetition, Harper Business, New York
Drucker, P (1985) Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford
EC (2001) European Commission Innovation Paper No 22, Innobarometer, European Commission, Brussels
Euromonitor (2002) Textile washing products, Euromonitor International (Jun)
Farson, R and Keyes, R (2002) The failure-tolerant leader, Harvard Business Review, (Aug), pp 64-71
Warner, F (2002) How Goggle searches itself, Fast Company, July 2002, pp 50-54
Fradette, M and Michaud, S (1998) The Power of Corporate Kinetics, Simon and Schuster, New York
Jobs, S (1988) The