《创新何来: 卓越领导者的横向思维技巧》作者:[美]保罗·斯隆 2017-02-09 12:43
Journey is the Reward, Lynx Books, New York
Morgan, A (1999) Eating the Big Fish, Adweek Books, New York
Orridge, M (1996) 75 Ways to Liven Up Your Training, Gower, Aldershot
Product Development Institute (2002) Stage-Gate [Online] WWW. prod-dev. com (accessed October 2002)
Reid, G (2002) Turbulence, flexibility and performance of the long-lived small firm, The Times (25 Jun), p 32
Ridderstrale, J and Nordstrom, K (1999) Funky Business, Bookhouse Publishing, Sweden
Salter, C (2002) Ivy Ross is not playing around, Fast Company (Nov), pp 104-10
Sethi R, Smith D and Whan Park, C (2002) How to kill a team's creativity, Harvard Business Review (Aug), pp 16-17
Sloane, P (1999) Are you a lateral leader? Innovative Leader, 8 (8)
Sloane, P (2002) Ten great ways to crush creativity, Business Age (Oct)
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (1993) Challenging Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (1997) Perplexing Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (1998) Ingenious Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (2000) Super Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Stein, N (2002) Deadline USA, Fortune (8 Jul), pp 67-70
Swatch (2002) Swatch Company History [Online] http://WWW. swatchgroup.ch/company/past.php
Thornton, P and Folios, M (2002) Strategy, Paradigms and Cowdung, Peter Bowman Group
Tischler, L (2002) He struck gold on the Net, Fast Company (Jun) pp 40-44 [Online] (accessed September 2002)
von Oech, R (1983) A Whack on the Side of the Head, Warner, New York
Warner, F (2002) Detroit muscle, Fast Company (Jun), pp 88-94
Welch, J (2001) Jack: What I've learned leading a great company and great people, Headline, New York
Morgan, A (1999) Eating the Big Fish, Adweek Books, New York
Orridge, M (1996) 75 Ways to Liven Up Your Training, Gower, Aldershot
Product Development Institute (2002) Stage-Gate [Online] WWW. prod-dev. com (accessed October 2002)
Reid, G (2002) Turbulence, flexibility and performance of the long-lived small firm, The Times (25 Jun), p 32
Ridderstrale, J and Nordstrom, K (1999) Funky Business, Bookhouse Publishing, Sweden
Salter, C (2002) Ivy Ross is not playing around, Fast Company (Nov), pp 104-10
Sethi R, Smith D and Whan Park, C (2002) How to kill a team's creativity, Harvard Business Review (Aug), pp 16-17
Sloane, P (1999) Are you a lateral leader? Innovative Leader, 8 (8)
Sloane, P (2002) Ten great ways to crush creativity, Business Age (Oct)
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (1993) Challenging Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (1997) Perplexing Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (1998) Ingenious Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Sloane, P and MacHale, D (2000) Super Lateral Thinking Puzzles, Sterling, New York
Stein, N (2002) Deadline USA, Fortune (8 Jul), pp 67-70
Swatch (2002) Swatch Company History [Online] http://WWW. swatchgroup.ch/company/past.php
Thornton, P and Folios, M (2002) Strategy, Paradigms and Cowdung, Peter Bowman Group
Tischler, L (2002) He struck gold on the Net, Fast Company (Jun) pp 40-44 [Online] (accessed September 2002)
von Oech, R (1983) A Whack on the Side of the Head, Warner, New York
Warner, F (2002) Detroit muscle, Fast Company (Jun), pp 88-94
Welch, J (2001) Jack: What I've learned leading a great company and great people, Headline, New York