《创新何来: 卓越领导者的横向思维技巧》作者:[美]保罗·斯隆 2017-02-09 12:43
Allan, D, Kingdon, M, Murrin, K and Rudkin, D (1999) What If!, Capstone, Oxford
Buzan, T (1988) Make the Most of your Mind, Pan, London
Cooper, R (2001)Winning at New Products, Perseus Books, New York
Foster, J (1996) How to Get Ideas, Berret-Koehler, San Francisco
Gladwell, M (2002) The Tipping Point, Abacus
Hall, D (1995) Jump Start your Brain, Warner, New York
Handy, C (1994) The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London
Harvey-Jones, J (1993) Managing to Survive, Heinemann, London
Kelley, T (2001) The Art of Innovation
Buzan, T (1988) Make the Most of your Mind, Pan, London
Cooper, R (2001)Winning at New Products, Perseus Books, New York
Foster, J (1996) How to Get Ideas, Berret-Koehler, San Francisco
Gladwell, M (2002) The Tipping Point, Abacus
Hall, D (1995) Jump Start your Brain, Warner, New York
Handy, C (1994) The Empty Raincoat, Hutchinson, London
Harvey-Jones, J (1993) Managing to Survive, Heinemann, London
Kelley, T (2001) The Art of Innovation